Thursday, June 21, 2018


                                    Professor Maniac

Professor Maniac is a crazy mad scientist in a dirty lab.  He is a big bad person in England. He kills animals for their skin.

His hair is like a sun just messer. Eyes of Maniac are little balls of fire. The beard of him is wild, wacky, and not brushed. He is always wearing brown shoes.

POOF! A potion explodes! Professor Maniac spins around his potion worked  to bring back the dead. He wants to bring back the dead because he wants them to be his army! He puts the potion down on a table. His desk come alit with fire it was destroying everything in its  path.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Stars in the sky 
The sisters awaken 
To warn people and animals 
Its June  

Comes together 
To enjoy matariki 
And celebrate the sisters of 
New year

cinquain and acrostic poem

M-atariki is a moari new year.

A-nger came over Tawhirimatea as he created the seven sisters. 

T-elling story's to our family.

A-ncsesters are very inportant.

R-emebering the past. 

I-nvoking memories

K-ites are made on matariki

I-t' s a time to spend with family

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Most popular animal in room 8.

I have done a statistical investigation to find out which animal in Room 8 is liked the most. I predict that kitten will win. 

Options : 
  • Monkey
  • Hyena 
  • Kitten
  • cheetah 
  • Tiger
I found out that kitten won the most popular animal in room 8. The least animal was monkey. 

kitten got 11 votes.
Tiger got 4 votes. 
Hyena got 2 votes. 
Cheetah got 4 votes.
Monkey got 1 vote.