Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Why All Children Should Be In A Culture Group

                        Why All Children Should Be In A Culture Group

WALT:Use a template to plan our writing

Hi there, my name is Briar.  There is a question I have been trying to
ask which is Why Should All Children Be In A Culture Group? Plus I
will be talking about it today.

Firstly you should be in culture group to work on social skills (s). Social
skills are important because it helps kids make friends so they aren’t
lonely and sad at school (c). Also it  helps with better speaking out loud
and in public (c Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and
interact (c). Friendship is also important in social skills because you
have people to go tell a teacher if you get hurt or kidnapped (c). They
will always be looking after you  if you do the same (s). If you are you
friends then you can try and stay that way (c).  If you have a friend who
doesn't trust you, show them that they can trust you(c).Friends helps
us deal with stress, make better lifestyle choices that keep us strong,
and allow us to rebound from health issues and disease more quickly
(complex). Friendship is equally important to our mental health(s) .

Secondly it also helps build teamwork with the people around us (s).
Teamwork matters so much because we need to know who we need to
trust (c). Teamwork is also important because if you have to do a team
building exercise you can work without any problems or injuries (c).
Teamwork matters so you can be more confident (c). Conducting team
building activities with children can help children work on developing
the following skills problem solving communication, cooperation,
listening, self-esteem, idea exchange, working with others and different
groups and leadership (complex) .

Thirdly it helps build motor skills (s). That means that your limbs will be
better coordinated. Better coordination  means that your body will use
less energy, when your are doing everyday activities. Plus there could
be a lower chance of injury.

In conclusion there are lots and lots of reasons why you should join a
cultural group like team skills, social skill, and motor skills these are
important in everyday life because it’s helpful.

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