Wednesday, April 22, 2020

why poppies are important

Poppies are important because they symbolise the people who died fighting at gallipoli in ww1 on the
25th of april 1915.  The bright red poppies were the only flowers that grew on the battlefield.   The deaths
of the men is remembered till this day.  We should keep doing the remembrance parade as a sign of
respect.  We remember how horrible the war was and the people that defended our way of life.


  1. A very thoughtful piece of writing Briar! I like the language you have used - symbolise etc. Remember to use capital letters for names of places and months. Did you stand at the end of your drive at dawn of ANZAC day? - Mrs Taege

  2. Great piece of writing Briar. Next time, try to add more persuasive language/reasons as to why we should continue to use poppies in our Anzac celebrations. Did you create any poppies for Anzac day during lockdown?

  3. Briar, I enjoyed reading about why you think poppies are important! Did you and your family stand out at the end of your drive on ANZAC morning? - Mrs Taege
